Monday, September 10, 2007

Growing up with Religions

I never formally grew up in a religious setting. I have never been to church or ever heard a sermen. My parents both grew up with somewhat of a religious background, my mother more so then my dad. My mom's family is very into their churches, her brother and sister being a little too closed minded. I think that kept our relationship distant. My cousin and I were fairly close growing up but then once she reached high school she became annoyed at my beliefs and stopped associating with me. This was a shock for me, religion should be about love and family values. But in this case it tore our family apart. This is being a little harsh but it has truth behind it. Things like this have given me a bad prospect on religion. I couldn't be a part of a group that would potential separate me from society or the people I care about. Organized religion keeps this order of segregation from human traits of being part of a group and defending that group from strangers. This goes against the whole purpose of religion and therefore I find it hypocritical. One's own beliefs should be maintain though study and aide but in the masses I think it creates more problems then are intended.

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